Join a community of thought leaders to inform the future of agriculture.
As a NAREEE Advisory Board or one of its subcommittee, you’ll join other thought leaders in agriculture to shape research and polices that impact you industry.
Membership is a chance for producers, scientists, educators, and other industry stakeholders to come together to advance he future of U.S. agriculture. While working towards this common goal, each member also contributes a unique perspective that allows them to serve as a voice and advocate for their specialized field.
Together, members serve as trusted advisors to the Secretary of Agriculture--providing professional insights that inform USDA's program decisions.

About the Advisory Board
Established in 1996, the NAREEE Advisory Board advises the Secretary of Agriculture on top priorities and policies for food and agricultural research, education, extension, and economics. We provide stakeholder input and science-backed information to better inform USDA’s program decisions.
Board Membership Responsibilities
- Members have the responsibility for attending all Advisory Board meetings and all meetings of working groups and ad hoc committees of which they are members, and for bringing to the table valuable perspectives of their stakeholder interest group(s).
- The NAREEE Advisory Board is congressionally mandated to meet twice a year. Typically, one of the meetings is held in the DC metro area and the other is held somewhere outside of the Capital Region, in closer proximity to stakeholders. The Executive Committee of the Board meets monthly via teleconference. The Subcommittees hold an additional 4 meetings per year. Other meetings may be planned on an ad hoc basis depending on the topic(s) being considered by the Board.
- Members are primarily responsible for assuring that U.S. agricultural research and education is in the best interest nationally for a safe and secure food and fiber system, high quality natural resources, economic prosperity, and the overall health and well-being of Americans.
- Members should also assume responsibility for assuring feedback, as appropriate, to their represented groups, stakeholders, and other interested U.S. citizens.
Board Membership Categories
The NAREEE Advisory Board is statutorily required to have fifteen appointed members from the following categories:
3 members representing National Farm or Producer Organizations, which may include members:
- representing farm cooperatives;
- who are a food animal commodity producer recommended by a national livestock organization;
- who are a plant commodity producer recommended by a national crop organization; or
- who are an aquaculture producer recommended by a national aquaculture organization.
2 members representing Academic or Research Societies, which may include members representing:
- national food animal science society;
- national crop, soil, agronomy, horticulture, plant pathology, or weed science society;
- national food science organization;
- national human health association; or
- national nutritional science society.
5 members representing Agricultural Research, Extension, and Education, which shall include each of the following:
- 1 member representing the 1862 land-grant colleges and universities.
- 1 member representing the 1890 land-grant colleges and universities, including Tuskegee University.
- 1 member representing the 1994 Equity in Education land-grant institution
- 1 member representing non-land grant colleges of agriculture (NLGCA) institutions or Hispanic-serving institutions.
- 1 member representing American colleges of veterinary medicine.
5 members representing Industry, Consumer, or Rural Interests, which may include members representing:
- transportation of food and agricultural products to domestic and foreign markets;
- food retailing and marketing interests;
- food and fiber processors;
- rural economic development interests;
- a national consumer interest group;
- a national forestry group;
- a national conservation or natural resource group;
- a national social science association;
- private sector organizations involved in international development; or
- a national association of agricultural economists.
Committees and Subcommittees
The Board has four (4) committees and subcommittees under its umbrella. Each has its own membership that is separate from the Board membership:
Specialty Crop Committee (SCC)

SCC studies the scope and effectiveness of research, extension and economics programs affecting the specialty crop industry. It reports its research findings and makes recommendations for improving these programs, with the goal of making U.S. specialty crop production more efficient, productive and profitable.
Citrus Disease Subcommittee (CDS)

A subcommittee of the SCC, CDS provides recommendations to USDA on citrus research, extension and development needs. It collaborates and consults with USDA and other organizations to advise on research activities related to citrus disease.
National Genetic Resources Advisory Council (NGRAC)

This subcommittee advises USDA on national policies for collecting, maintaining, and using genetic resources. This includes educating USDA on new and innovative approaches to conserving genetic resources, and advising on how to coordinate these resources with other organizations.
Pollinator Subcommittee

Launched in FY2024, this subcommittee will evaluate current research on pollinator health and advise the NAREEE Board on national priorities, research needs and best possible science to inform pollinator-related policies and programs.